Why Do Jews Reject the Trinity?

Point 1

By God's becoming Man, He did not change His Nature, but simply added human nature to His already Divine Nature. For example, if I add sugar to water, I have not changed the nature of water.

Adding sugar to water does not change the water, but it does change the compound. God is Perfect, and there is nothing that can be added to a Perfect Being. Adding something in this case would indicate that there was something that He was missing and would indicate an improvement.

Point 2

According to, OrlandoDiocese.org, "In Jesus Christ, God reconciled the world to himself and redeemed mankind from the imprisonment of sin. “God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son” (Jn 3:16). In Jesus, God took on our mortal human flesh (–> INCARNATION), shared our earthly lot, our sufferings, and our death, and became one like us in all things but sin."

God does not need to become a man to be able to understand the human condition. His knowledge is unrestricted, and He knows our kidneys perfectly in His incorporeal, intangible state. The function of God becoming Man is to compensate for our deficiencies, not for His. People need things that they can see, hold, and touch, like an idol. Because God is lofty and remote, the purpose served by the belief in the incarnation of God is to give us a God that we can hold and touch. This is why Jews consider it idolatry, although many of us find it difficult to put it into words.

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